Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 articles tagged with: LoggerNet
Author: Jacob Davis | Last Updated: 09/10/2024 | Comments: 2
The Campbell Scientific Learning Center is launching as a third training option, bringing self-paced learning to our customers. I am excited for this opportunity to expand our training availability beyond our current offerings: live, in-person training and live, online training. I hope you can take advantage... read moreAuthor: Jason Ritter | Last Updated: 02/27/2019 | Comments: 4
Have you ever wanted Short Cut to support more sensors? Although Short Cut supports many sensors, you may have found that the sensor you want to measure is not on the list. What do you do then? How do you add that sensor to your... read moreAuthor: Janet Albers | Last Updated: 02/27/2019 | Comments: 10
Do you need to do anything to your data logger or software to compensate for the beginning of daylight saving time? Read this short article to find out! Residents of many parts of North America, and various areas around the world, continue to observe the practice... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 07/19/2017 | Comments: 0
In an April 2016 blog article (“Handling New Device Drivers in a Changing Windows World”), I wrote that Campbell Scientific was ending Windows XP support for our hardware device drivers. In that article, I also mentioned that Windows XP support might end for other products... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 04/05/2017 | Comments: 0
IP communication has significantly changed the way many of us access our data loggers. It is reliable, fast, and readily available—anywhere you have access to "the Internet," you have the ability to use this protocol to communicate with your data logger. Sometimes, however, network access to... read moreAuthor: Jacob Davis | Last Updated: 02/22/2017 | Comments: 8
Have you come across situations where you want your data logger to initiate data retrieval, rather than your PC? For example, do you have an environmental condition that you want to transmit alarm data for? Although IP-based communication is prevalent, sometimes you may need data-logger-initiated communication... read moreAuthor: Janet Albers | Last Updated: 11/30/2016 | Comments: 0
If you use Campbell Scientific data logger support software to connect to your data logger, you may monitor your data from within the software. Have there been times when you’ve seen “Undefined” or “N/A” instead of your data values? What does that mean, and how... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 04/27/2016 | Comments: 0
We've all been there. You open the box for some new toy such as a camera, printer, or even a data logger, and before you can get started, you are required to install a device driver. The device driver loads files onto your computer so... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 04/13/2016 | Comments: 0
You may find it a little confusing to differentiate between software upgrades and patches. For example, when do you need which one? When is there a fee for a software release, and when is a release free of charge? With the recent release of the new... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 02/03/2016 | Comments: 2
We’ve recently had an exciting new addition to our family of LoggerNet datalogger support software. In this brief article, I’ll introduce you to this mobile app and tell you how you can get it free of charge. You are probably familiar with LoggerNet, our PC-based software... read moreAuthor: Paul Smart | Last Updated: 01/20/2016 | Comments: 0
Have you heard of DNP3 but been unsure of what it is or what it’s used for? In this brief article, I’ll introduce you to this communications protocol, its role in SCADA applications, and how you can use it with your Campbell Scientific equipment and... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 11/18/2015 | Comments: 0
When you have work to do, there’s nothing more frustrating than being unable to connect to your data logger in the field. We’ve all been there: You’re in LoggerNet’s Connect window pressing the Connect button, and you’re met with nothing but the endless flashing “connecting... read moreAuthor: Barbra Utley | Last Updated: 11/04/2015 | Comments: 0
When it comes to weather conditions, looks can be deceiving. An area that appears to be experiencing mild weather may soon experience conditions that are dangerous to human life. How can you prepare for rapidly changing weather conditions and ensure the safety of those in... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 08/19/2015 | Comments: 0
Configuring a network of data loggers for communication and data collection in LoggerNet's Setup window can seem like an arduous and tedious task, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s true that you need to complete this task before you can use LoggerNet to connect... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 06/03/2015 | Comments: 0
If you are a user of our LoggerNet software, you know that the software can be configured to collect data from your data logger on a regular interval. From a data logger's Schedule tab in the Setup Screen, you can configure an interval of anywhere... read moreAuthor: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 05/29/2015 | Comments: 0
When you live in a cold-weather climate like we do here in northern Utah, it’s a welcome reprieve to spend a few days away enjoying someplace sunny and warm. A couple of days ago, as I was uploading photos of sunshine and blue skies from... read more