CR350 OS 1.06
Updated: 07-23-2024

  1. (Minor) The CRBasic pre-compiler now allows more than 10 math operators in a single line.
  2. (New Feature) Updates to SerialOpen(), "ComPort" parameter Com1 now supports "CommsMode" parameter of 1 (TTL), "ComPort" parameters ComC1_Tx, ComC1_Rx, ComC2_Tx, and ComC2_Rx now only support "CommsMode" parameters 0 (RS232) and 1 (TTL)
  3. (Major) Fixed an issue where communications through an external cell modem via PPP would occasionally lock up.
  4. (Major) Fixed an issue that was causing Modbus over RF4XX radios to not work properly.
  5. (Major) Fixed an issue where packets over PPP where falsely being detected as PakBus communications.
  6. (Major) Updated Encryption() to correctly handle and return the length of decrypted content with padded zeros.
  7. (Major) Adjusted cell modem stack size to fix SMS watchdog issues.
  8. (Major) Fixed an issue that could cause a hard fault watchdog when datalogger returns from a sleep state.
  9. (Major) Fixed an issue with radio initialization that would cause RF4XX radios to not initialize properly.
  10. (Major) Added support for new RF422 radio module hardware.
  11. (Minor) Updated SNMPVariable() and ESSVariables()
  12. (Minor) Updated max PPP packet size.
  13. (Minor) Added a compile error for the CellGNSS() “MaxWaitTime” parameter. The parameter must be a constant.
  14. (Minor) Fixed an issue where the CellGNSS() “MaxWaitTime” parameter was being ignored.
  15. (Minor) Fixed an issue where the CR350 was not reading “Cell RSSI” information from the datalogger’s settings table correctly.
  16. (Minor) Fixed an issue where serial passthrough selection was indicating the wrong port had been opened.
  17. (Minor) Fixed an issue with the CRBasic pre-compiler issuing compile errors when SDI12Watch() is in the program.
  18. (Minor) Fixed an issue with the CRBasic pre-compiler issuing compile errors when ESSVariables is in the program.
  19. (Minor) CRBasic definitions have changed. "Settings.RadioSlaveRepeat" is now "Settings.RadioEndPointRepeat" and "Settings.RadioSlaveRetry" is now "Settings.RadioEndPointRetry".
  20. (Minor) Fixed an issue with SerialClose() on COM2 and COM3 that was causing current drain to be higher than expected.
  21. (Minor) Fixed an issue where values containing 0xDB (189) were being stored incorrectly.