What are some distinguishing features of the MetSens compact weather sensors?
MetSens has a compass module that outputs at 1 Hz real time without affecting any other measurements, which allows the correction of wind direction if the station is installed on moving ice.
MetSens has a two-year service life, which is especially helped by the use of a double-louvered radiation shield to reduce the flow of contaminants getting to the temperature/humidity probe.
MetSens has an option for GPS.
MetSens has a wind speed resolution of 0.01 m/s, whereas most all-weather sensors have a resolution of 0.1 m/s.
MetSens has a dew point accuracy of ± 0.3°C, whereas most all-weather sensors have an accuracy of > ±0.7°C.
MetSens temperature resolution is for the full-range temperature at 0.1°C, whereas other all-weather sensors change to 0.2° at the extremes.
MetSens offers users the option to use any industry-standard tipping bucket rain gage (MetSens550).
MetSens provides RS-232, RS-485, Modbus, and SDI-12 from all models.
MetSens uses Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP) and Adaptive Gain Control (AGC), which have been proven worldwide to provide good quality data.
MetSens does not indicate a drop in wind speed if the temperature drops or if rain occurs, whereas this is fairly common in other all-weather sensors.