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Configure a Campbell Scientific Water Sampler for 4 to 20 mA Input

Learn how to use the integrated keypad controller to configure a Campbell Scientific vacuum water sampler for a 4 to...

(5:14) Posted: 4/14/2017

EZSetup Ethernet Connection

Use the EZSetup wizard to set up IP communication between the computer and datalogger.

(2:02) Posted: 1/10/2017

Datalogger Ethernet Configuration

Use the Device Configuration Utility to enter the datalogger static IP Address, Subnet Mask, and IP Gateway address. (A static...

(2:59) Posted: 1/10/2017

Connect | Manage Storage Devices with File Control

The File Control feature lets you manipulate files stored on the datalogger or external storage devices. Learn how to quickly...

(1:40) Posted: 11/3/2016

Configuring a Campbell Scientific Water Sampler

Watch a demonstration of how to set the following: a start delay, time/day initiation, 15-minute interval time, and composite sample.

(7:28) Posted: 10/25/2016

CR6-WIFI Datalogger | Setting up a Network

Instructions for how to create a Wi-Fi network "right out of the box" or join an existing Wi-Fi network.

(7:43) Posted: 1/5/2016

Solar800 Station | Software Configuration

A demonstration of the simple software configuration of a Solar800 station for solar-resource assessment. This tutorial begins with unpacking the...

(10:30) Posted: 7/31/2014

CRS451/CRS456 Sensors | Configuration

Step-by-step instructions for setting up a CRS451/CRS456 Water-Level Recording Sensor using the included HydroSci software.

(9:51) Posted: 11/7/2013

LoggerNet Software | Network Planner

An exploration of LoggerNet's Network Planner tool, which automatically specifies the best hardware and software settings for a particular setup...

(4:05) Posted: 4/16/2013

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