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getting started with Loggernet Linux

HMNIBIO Nov 16, 2021 10:17 AM

I am somewhat familiar with Loggernet Windows, but have not set up larger networks with it. Since we will have more dataloggers in the future and need more consistent data collection, we have purchased a LNLINUX license.  It is running on a server, and I successfully connect via corascript. The aim is to do scheduled data collection. Some basic questions

- The way to do this kind of collection is  to use corascript to

                   1. define stations and connections

                   2. make a scheduled collection via set-device-settings

- How do I add stations? I assumed add-device. But since there is no network map present, there is no anchor available

- The first loggers I want to connect to are Cr300, Cr1000 and Cr1000x  via fixed IPs. Is setting up the connection part of add-device? I have set these connections up on Windows, is the configuration saved in a way that it can be copied over to the linux server?

Mike Nov 16, 2021 02:38 PM

While you can use Cora-Script to control the LoggerNet server on Linux, it is best to use an installation of LoggerNet Client on a Windows machine to connect to and control it.

In responce to your question about the 'anchor' device, 

add-device com-port com1 before "";

 will add a com-port root device to an empty network map.

For most devices in the LoggerNet tree, you first add the device and then use 'set-device-setting' to make changes to the device.


add-device ioport ioport after "com1";
set-device-setting ioport 15 {""}; add-device cr300 cr300 as-child ioport;

will add a root ip device after the com-port device we add to the network map above.  It then adds a CR300 to the IP-port and sets the IP address of the IP port to "" with a port number of 3001.

These and other examples are available in the 'corascript Interprester Reference'  that comes up when you type


 in Cora-Script.

Hope this help and welcome to LNLINUX!

HMNIBIO Nov 17, 2021 07:46 AM

Thanks, Mike! I had indeed not seen the example for adding a first device. Now, I do not mean for someone else to do my work, but I have a follow-up question. We purchased the license very recently and the corascript version is 1,24,04. Ioport is not a supported device. I probably only demonstrate my ignorance by this, but I used

add-device tcp-com-port IPfordevice after com01;

set-device-setting IPfordevice 15 {""};

which was successful. Attaching the Cr300 as-child yielded "unattachable to specified anchor". Is tcp-com-port the correct instruction? I tried com-port, too, with the same result.

Will keep trying, but also very grateful for assistance.

Update: Ok, I did manage to add the Cr1000x through the windows client. Next task: Find out to do IP-connections for Cr1000s and Cr300s in the network planner. That is another topic, so this thread can be closed.

jtrauntvein Nov 17, 2021 03:05 PM

PakBus dataloggers, such as the CR300, CR1000, CR800, CR3000, CR1000X, CR6, GRANITE 6, GRANITE 9, and GRANITE 10 require that a PakBus-port object be added to the network map.  This device represents LoggerNet's presence as a node in the PakBus network and provides the settings and interfaces to configure LoggerNet in that` context.  If you look at the network map generated by the Network Planner, you will see that a device of this type is included there. 

You can assign any unique name that you want to link type devices but, personally, I favour using the serial port device name, IP address or domain name, and TCP port with a suffix such as "tcp".

So the order of insert operations, assuming a IP address of "logger.domain.io" and TCP port of 6785 would be as follows:

add-device ip-com-port logger.domain.io_6785_tcp after ""; # the second parameter is the device name

set-device-setting logger.domain.io_6785_tcp com-port-id logger.domain.io:6785;

add-device pakbus-port logger.domain.io_6785_pkb as-child logger.domain.io_6785_tcp;

add-device cr300 cr300 as-child logger.domain.io_6785_pkb;

HMNIBIO Dec 1, 2021 10:44 AM

Update: The settings were fine. I found someone with a LoggerNet Admin license at our institutions, and things started transferring as soon as they checked the setup with that. I am not completely sure why, but it works now.

Thanks, jtrauntvein! I have come somewhat further, but not succeeded yet. Running a log-query comms yield

"tcp_name", "S", "opening", "IP"

"tcp_name", "S", "Provider opened"

"tcp_name", "S", "Device dialed"

"pkb_name" , "F", "Pakbus framing error", "frame is misquoted"

The following pkb and logger transactions also fail, of course.

- Does this mean that loggernet reaches the SIM card in the modem by its IP, implying that that part is fine?

- In the pkb-settings, I have tried to mirror settings in the CR1000x I try to connect as good as possible. I set the baud rate to 115200 and the beacon interval to 0. When I telnet the connection, I get response on port 7200. Is that something I need to set somewhere? What other settings are likely culprits here?

Best regards, H.

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