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RTMC /Pro select data source from dropdown?

artyb Feb 10, 2021 06:10 PM


I'm exploring RTMC as a way to monitor multiple loggers configured in the same way. I wondered if there was any way to have one RTMC screen, but use a dropdown to select from which logger data was displayed? Is that something that Pro can do that the standard version can't do? Or would it be simpler to just use multiple tabs in the runtime view, each for a different logger?

As they're all similar perhaps I could copy the configuration file from one and rename the logger in it, then select each from the recent files list, or insert the configuration for the next logger into tabs using a text editor to copy and amend the config to show data from other loggers in different tabs. It looks as though the .rtmc2 files would be editable with a text editor.

Can graphs have a list of possible variables to plot, and a tick-box to de/select some of them? (Pro?)

Can the standard version send email alerts? I can see options for configuring eg a recipient address and STMP server, but didn't spot options to configure sending emails. (Pro?)

Thank you,


JDavis Feb 10, 2021 06:55 PM

With RTMC, you will need to do tabs.

In theory, you could edit the project file, which is an XML document. However, it is not recommended because one small mistake could keep the whole project from opening.

The Pro version is needed if you want email alarms.

artyb Feb 12, 2021 10:45 AM

Thank you for the quick reply. I could alternatively produce multiple configurations and select each from the recent files list. Yeah, I know I'd have to be very careful editing the config files, I'd make copies first.

Can graphs have a list of possible variables to plot, and a tick-box to de/select some of them in the Pro version?

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