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Negative nighttime values using Etsz function

dbrese_stone-env Jun 9, 2020 01:21 PM

I am using the Etsz function to calculate hourly evapotranspiration. Overnight when the values from my pyranometer are at or near zero, the function produces very low negative values (-0.032 mm, -0.02 mm, etc.). This goes on for the extent of the night before sunrise and affects the daily sum of evapotranspiration. How can I set this value to 0 in the main program so that the calculations are correct? I have tried to do this with an If/Then statement in the program, but I must be doing this in the wrong place because the negative values keep sticking around.

dbrese_stone-env Jun 11, 2020 03:36 PM

I resolved this issue. I had to reference the Table.Field in the main scan program and set the value to zero if it is negative. 

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