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Converting strings, CR1000x?

ccowin Jul 23, 2019 11:47 PM

Is it possible to convert a string to another format with a Cr1000x?

Basically I have hundreds of stations that all communicate via satellite. The satellite's authentication server is now having difficulty processing all of them so the satellite provider has asked us to try and spread that out while they are working on upgrading it for long term.

So I need a way to generate a unique identifier for all the stations; my original though was to use the StationName function as the station names were all set by Campbell I assume to some serial number. Anyway this variable has to be a string for StationName to work, and right now I have to add 10 ORs plus all the stations names individually. If there was a way for me to convert that into a long or other format then I could use a logical expression to set them all and it would be a lot cleaner.

I looked into a couple functions but they all seemed to be converting other formats into strings nad not the other way around.

Thanks and happy to provide more info if needed,


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