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What is the data source for LoggerNet Connect screen?

crs Oct 17, 2018 07:35 PM

I am trying to manage the size of remote data transfers across a cellular network by splitting the LoggerNet data files at regular time intervals, but I would like to retain the ability to visualize the entire data set from the LoggerNet connect screen (via table monitor, graphs, num display, etc). 

Does LoggerNet use the *.dat files directly, or is there another data source location? 

Is there a way that I can split the data files into daily components without taking the file "offline" and risking losing records while the operating system is busy working with the file?  

JDavis Oct 18, 2018 09:36 PM

The Connect screen is reading from the Loggernet data cache. Note that Connect only gets the most recent record for the table you are looking at. The graphs on Connect buffer the recent data as it comes in. Those graphs do not backfill when you open them.

If you are actively connected with the Connect screen, it will request data from the logger according to the polling interval set on that screen. So, it will trigger more data transfer.

If the station is disconnected, you can use the table monitor etc. In that case, they will just get data coming into the cache from scheduled collection.

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