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FTPClient active/passive mode

JanE Feb 20, 2017 09:37 AM


I find no explanation of FTP active vs. passive mode in the CRbasic program reference. On interwebs I found this:

Data connections may be set up in two different ways, active and passive. Note that active and passive refer to the operation of the FTP server, not the client.
Passive mode
In passive mode, the client sends a PASV command to the server. This tells the server to listen for a connection attempt from the client, hence the server is passively waiting. The server replies to PASV with the host and port address that the server is listening on. The client deciphers this reply and when a data connection is required, attempts to initiate the connection to the server at this address.
Active mode
In active mode, the server actively connects to the client. To set up active mode, the client sends a PORT command to the server, specify the address and port number the client is listening on. When a data connection is required, the server initiates a connection to the client at this address.

Is that the same for the FTPClient PutGetOption parameter?


GaryTRoberts Feb 21, 2017 11:43 PM

Yes.  What you have listed above is how the active and passive options work and is what is referred to in the help for the PutGetOption.  

JanE Feb 22, 2017 07:57 AM

Thanks Gary for your reply.

I did not find the explanation in the help, maybe because I still have version 3.6 of the CRBasic editor.


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