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funtion is not available when migrating program between different model data loggers

MtJoy Feb 9, 2017 03:53 PM

Hi Guru,

I am trying to run previous program in aother data logger (different model, e.g. from CR1000  to CR8).

Program was compiled successfully on PC, but a message box popped up after tring to upload it to data logger, saying

line 77: Undeclared variable TimeIsBetween.
line 77: Dimensions not declared: TimeIsBetween(30,45,60,MIN) .
line 77: Undeclared variable TimeIsBetween.
line 77: Dimensions not declared: TimeIsBetween(30,45,60,MIN) .

OS Version: CR800.Std.27

I understand that not all functions are available on every models.

but how can we know/check if it is available on one specific model?

is there a compatibility list/table available?

Thank you.


JDavis Feb 9, 2017 04:03 PM

You just need to update the OS on the CR800.

MtJoy Feb 9, 2017 04:07 PM

That's GREAT! Thank you JD.

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