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setting callback for dynamic IP

novicok Nov 26, 2016 04:05 PM

Dear everyone,

I am using CR1000

sc105 interface

Fastrack xtend modem

I insert to modem dataSim(ofcource it is with static IP address)

but data logger can see it as dynamic IP address

I dont now why?
Is there any "AT commands" which can register Static IP in the modem?

secondly i would like to set "callback"
I heard, if I am using dynamic IP address, I need to set "callback"

how can I set it. Can someone explain to me step by step?.

best regards

aps Nov 28, 2016 10:11 AM

On many networks which offer static IP addresses, the modem itself still operates in the same way and is allocated a dynamic and sometimes a private address (which is all the logger can see and is reported in its IP Info setting).   The static address service continuously monitors the address allocated to the logger and instructs a router on the public network to route traffic from the public static address to the dynamic address within the cellular network.

Check with your provider if this is the service they provide.   If it is then you can ignore the address the logger is reporting and just connect to it using the public address mapped to it.   Make sure your provider is routing the port you want to use, e.g. 6785 the default, as some only forward commonly used ports unless requested.

If this is what you have you do not need to use a call-back option.

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