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How to send email from data logger when turbidity is above a certain value?

joedappy Nov 9, 2016 06:30 PM

I have a CR800 hooked up to an OBS500 turbidity meter and a Raven XT modem (Sierra Wireless).  I'm trying to make it so that it sends me an email any time that the turbidity exceeds a certain value.  I have very limited coding knowledge. Is this something that is done in RTMC or in Basic Editor?  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

JDavis Nov 9, 2016 06:35 PM

 Here is an email alarm example I did for another customer. I used water level in this case, but turbidity wouldn't be any different.

Public WaterLevel
Const HighWater = 10.5
Public HighWaterAlarm As Boolean
Public SendAlarmMessage As Boolean
Public MessageBody As String * 64
Dim ElapsedTime As Long
Const Holdoff = 600 ' Seconds between alarm messages
Public ServerResp As String

'Main Program
  Timer (1,Sec,0 ) 'Start alarm timer
  Scan (1,Sec,0,0)

    'Enter measurements etc. here.
    If WaterLevel >= HighWater Then
      HighWaterAlarm = True
      HighWaterAlarm = False

    If HighWaterAlarm = False Then
      SendAlarmMessage = False

    ElapsedTime = Timer (1,Sec,4) 'Always read your timers
    MessageBody = "Water level is: " & WaterLevel

    If HighWaterAlarm AND ElapsedTime > Holdoff Then
      SendAlarmMessage = True
      Timer (1,Sec,2) 'Reset holdoff timer

  Scan (10,Sec,1,0)
    'EmailSend should be done in slow sequence, because it can take a while
    If SendAlarmMessage Then
      SendAlarmMessage = False
      EmailSend ("","name@server.com","name@server.com","Subject","MessageBody","","UserName","Password",ServerResp)


To get more elaborate, you can add the ability to silence the alarm like this:


Public AirTemp_C
Public AlarmHighHigh As Boolean, AlarmHigh As Boolean
Public AcknowledgeAlarms As Boolean 'Manually set to true to reset alarms and silence for a while
Public PTemp, batt_volt
Public ElapsedHigh As Long, ElapsedHighHigh As Long, ElapsedAcknowledge As Long

Const HighThreshold = 26 'Same units as monitored parameter
Const HighHighThreshold = 28
Const AlarmHighTimer = 1 'Start numbering your timers from 1
Const AlarmHighHoldoff = 300 'seconds
Const AlarmHighHighTimer = 2
Const AlarmHighHighHoldoff = 60 'seconds
Const AcknowledgeTimer = 3
Const AcknowledgeHoldoff = 3600 'seconds to silence alarms

'Define Data Tables

'Main Program
  ElapsedAcknowledge = AcknowledgeHoldoff + 1 'Initialize past alarm silence interval
  Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
    PanelTemp (PTemp,60)
    Battery (batt_volt)

    'Temperature measurement of type T thermocouple on U1/U2
    TCDiff (AirTemp_C,1,mV200c,U1,TypeT,PTemp,True ,0,60,1.0,0)

    'Set alarms when over thresholds
    If AirTemp_C >= HighHighThreshold Then AlarmHighHigh = True
    If AirTemp_C >= HighThreshold Then AlarmHigh = True
    'Important Note! : This example program will leave alarms set until manually reset

    'Call Data Tables

  Scan (1,Sec,3,0)

    '#Alarming tasks#
    'Acknowledge will silence alarm notification for a time
    If AcknowledgeAlarms Then
      AcknowledgeAlarms = false
      AlarmHigh = false 'Reset alarms
      AlarmHighHigh = false
      Timer (AcknowledgeTimer,Sec,2) 'Reset and start alarm silence

    'Always read the current elapsed times outside of any if statements, read as zero if stopped and reset
    ElapsedHigh = Timer (AlarmHighTimer,Sec,4)
    ElapsedHighHigh = Timer (AlarmHighHighTimer,Sec,4)
    ElapsedAcknowledge = Timer (AcknowledgeTimer,Sec,4)

    If ElapsedAcknowledge >= AcknowledgeHoldoff Then
      'When high level alarm triggers, send alarm message and wait for holdoff time before sending again if condition persists.
      If AlarmHigh AND ( (ElapsedHigh = 0) OR ElapsedHigh >= (AlarmHighHoldoff) ) Then
        'Send out your high alarm messages here
      'When high high alarm triggers, ignore high holdoff and use high high holdoff.
      If AlarmHighHigh AND ( (ElapsedHighHigh = 0) OR ElapsedHighHigh >= (AlarmHighHighHoldoff) ) Then
        'Send out your high high alarm messages here
    EndIf 'ElapsedAcknowledge > AcknowledgeHoldoff



joedappy Nov 9, 2016 07:07 PM

joedappy Nov 9, 2016 07:07 PM

Thank you for the response.  My router is sending me data, but I did not revieve an email when my turbidity was above 10.5 units.  I have it set up so that it's sending results to a file on my computer in a .dat file.  I want an email when the BS turbidity is above 10.5.  I put in the router's IP in the bottom along with the email address I want it sent to.  Here's my script:

'CR800 Series
'Created by Short Cut (3.2)

'Declare Variables and Units
Dim MinIntoDay
Public BattV
Public PTemp_C
Public OBS500(4)
Public SW12State As Boolean

Alias OBS500(1)=Turb_BS
Alias OBS500(2)=Turb_SS
Alias OBS500(3)=Temp_C
Alias OBS500(4)=WD_OBS

Units BattV=Volts
Units PTemp_C=Deg C
Units Turb_BS=FBU
Units Turb_SS=FNU
Units Temp_C=Deg C
Units WD_OBS=unitless

'Define Data Tables

'Main Program
'Main Scan
'Default CR800 Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement 'BattV'
'Default CR800 Datalogger Wiring Panel Temperature measurement 'PTemp_C'
'OBS500/OBS501 Smart Turbidity Meter (SDI-12) measurements 'Turb_BS', 'Turb_SS', 'Temp_C', and 'WD_OBS'
'SW12 Timed Control
'Get minutes into current day
'Turn ON SW12 between 0000 hours and 2359 hours
'for 25 minutes every 5 minutes
If (MinIntoDay>=0 And MinIntoDay<1439) And ((MinIntoDay-0) Mod 5 < 25) Then
'Turn OFF SW12 only if time runs out and RS232 is not active
ElseIf (ComPortIsActive(ComRS232)=False) Then
'Always turn OFF SW12 if battery drops below 11.5 volts
If BattV<11.5 Then SW12State=False
'Set SW12 to the state of 'SW12State' variable
'Call Data Tables and Store Data
CallTable Table1

Const HighTurb_BS = 10.5
Public HighTurb_BSAlarm As Boolean
Public SendAlarmMessage As Boolean
Public MessageBody As String * 64
Dim ElapsedTime As Long
Const Holdoff = 600 ' Seconds between alarm messages
Public ServerResp As String

'Main Program
Timer (1,Sec,0 ) 'Start alarm timer
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)

'Enter measurements etc. here.
If Turb_BS >= HighTurb_BS Then
HighTurb_BSAlarm = True
HighTurb_BSAlarm = False

If HighTurb_BSAlarm = False Then
SendAlarmMessage = False

ElapsedTime = Timer (1,Sec,4) 'Always read your timers
MessageBody = "Turb_BS is: " & WaterLevel

If HighTurb_BSAlarm AND ElapsedTime > Holdoff Then
SendAlarmMessage = True
Timer (1,Sec,2) 'Reset holdoff timer

Scan (10,Sec,1,0)
'EmailSend should be done in slow sequence, because it can take a while
If SendAlarmMessage Then
SendAlarmMessage = False
EmailSend ("myip","myemail","myemail","Subject","MessageBody","","myemail","mypassword",ServerResp)

JDavis Nov 9, 2016 07:14 PM

The IP address you put into the EmailSend instruction should be the IP address of the server.

PS. I suggest editing your post to remove your email account information and IP address. This is a public forum.

pokeeffe Nov 9, 2016 07:26 PM

@joedappy If you haven't yet, you should change that email account password. You can edit the post but there's no revoking subscription emails.

joedappy Nov 9, 2016 07:26 PM

Thank you, I changed all of that.  I changed the IP address to the yahoo server ip address and still haven't recieved an email.  I checked the junk folder too.  Could it be because it's recording average turbidity and sending that to the dat file as Turb_BS_Avg?  How would I correct this?

JDavis Nov 9, 2016 07:37 PM

The result code from EmailSend will tell you if it is successful. If there is an error, it will give you an indication of what to check.

There are several other posts in this forum about getting Yahoo working.

Out of one of them, I saw a reference to using this for the server address:


joedappy Nov 9, 2016 07:58 PM

No errors in CRBasic Editor.  I changed the server to what you have suggested, still no email...

JDavis Nov 9, 2016 08:08 PM

What does your ServerResp variable show after attempting to send an email?

joedappy Nov 9, 2016 08:27 PM

Not sure what you mean...  I changed ServerResp to Turb_BS.  It's compiling without any errors.  How would  I attempt to send an email?

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