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Fast red LED blinking on CR200X

Monte Sep 15, 2016 02:13 PM


I had a CR200X where the red LED was continuos blinking fast (perhaps 5 times per second). Trying to communicate with the logger failed, there was no response.

The battery power (3 x 3.6v lithium) was quite low at about 8.3 volts, but still 1 volt above specified minimum voltage of 7 volts. (Batteries were almost empty, because a RS232-to-USB cable connected to the logger RS232 port draw continousely 1mA for very long time...)

I removed the power for some seconds and reconnected it. The red LED started to blink fast again. I removed the power again, this time for some minutes and reconnected the logger. Now it started correctly and I could download the datas. By looking at the datas, it showed that the logger stopped to work properly when the voltage dropped below 8.6 volts.

The logger seems to work fine. Measurements look correct. And current consumption is about 0.25mA in idle state.

1) Does fast red LED blinking mean low power?
2) Why stopped the logger to work at 8.6volts, didn't go down to 7volts?

Does anybody know the answers to these questions?


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