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Testing send and recieve strings by the same datalogger

Jackson.Lopes Aug 16, 2016 01:16 PM


I'm trying to make a test sending a string from Com1 and getting  it  at Com2 using a CR1000 datalogger. But, I'm making some mistakes in the Com's settings.

Can someone show me  a  routine that sends a string like that: $WIMWV,131,R,0.2,M,A*3F$WIXDR,C,24.6,C,0,C,24.6,C,1,H,35.7,P,0,P,1.0152,B,0*5D$WIXDR,V,0.00,M,0,Z,0,s,2*43

and if it's  not ask for much, show me how to calculate the serialout and serialinrecord parameters to send and recieve any kind of string too?


best regards

jra Aug 16, 2016 02:04 PM

There are quite a few examples in this paper: 


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