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CR23X battV shows me 0,00 or -INF

DavidC Aug 4, 2016 07:56 AM

Hello, I am begginer with Loggernet and Campbell sci

I have a CR23X datalogger, when I see data in real time ,battery shows me 0,00 or sometimes -INF, and logger is running

Battery is charged

I am trying with a Vaisala HMP45C and AirT and RH shows me  0,00

With an anemometer A100R shows me 0,00

I check 12 Volts port and its ok

I am using Loggernet 3.4.1

It happens since two days ago

Here is result

RecNum        125

TimeStamp    04/08/2016

BattV           0,00

ProgSig       0,00

AirTC           0,00

RH              0,00

I try with a dattaloger CR10 and its works ok

My battery is damaged?

Thanks for the anwsers


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