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Station with two CR6 dataloggers

Geoprojektas Jul 7, 2016 09:28 AM

Prepare one geomonitoring project.
In the system will be used 192 SDI-12 sensors (12 channels, with 16 sensors per channel).

I plan to use two CR6 Dataloggers.
Maybe physically possible to combine them together (via CS I/O or RS232, or CPI connectors)?
What CRBasic commands in this case should be used, to combine the two dataloggers date tables together?

Thanks for support

Gintaris Maknavicius

Geoprojektas Ltd.


Ken Conner Jul 7, 2016 11:50 AM


You can connect the two dataloggers together via the RS-232 (CPI) port with a null modem cable, or via the control ports.  If using the control ports be sure to connect C1 of the first logger to C2 of the second logger and C2 of the first logger to C1 of the second logger.  You'll also need to make sure that the two dataloggers have a common ground.

Then you can configure the COM ports either through the datalogger's settings or programmatically via the SerialOpen() instruction.  Once the two logger's can communicate with each other you can use GetDataRecord() or GetVariables() to have one logger retreive data from the other.

Geoprojektas Jul 7, 2016 01:05 PM

Dear Ken,

Thank you for your detailed answer.

CR6 brilliant datalogger! Thanks CSI


Best regards and nice day


Gintaris Maknavicius

Geoprojektas Ltd.


jra Jul 7, 2016 01:17 PM

You can configure your CR6 settings through LoggerNet's Network Planner: 



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