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LN LINUX 4.3 and tab fileretrieval

KrisBDX Jul 4, 2016 02:59 PM


I create in my CR6 all the  30 min one TOB3  file with 36000 datas inside and I use the tab fileretrieval to  download my file in my PC, with loggernet server for Windows OS all is ok  but when I use Loggernet LInux nothing does  work .I think  I can't choose the path in  Linux server  and if I write directly the path with the good directory  permission. I have no file in my directory.

I think is a bug in the path the software wait a local client path/

Thank you for your answers

print screen

Terri Jul 7, 2016 05:55 PM

I am entering a bug for the browse problem to be looked into.

We've done some testing with Linux here with a CR300 using your same Linux directory path without a problem retrieving files. Are the files on the logger really TOB3 type? If so, you can give us log files to take a look at. You can zip th files you have, or delete them first to get a smaller set. Just make sure the scheduled time passes once or twice before you zip them. You can do this using Log Tool. Under File menu, choose "Select Server" as the Linux Server. If you want to send a smaller group of log files you can select "Delete All Log Files" and wait for the schedule to pass a couple of times. When you are ready, select "Zip All Log Files" and send the zip file to twhite at campbellsci dot com.

Thanks, Terri

ChipsNSalsa Jul 7, 2016 09:34 PM

As a test, manually entering a path of /var/opt/CampbellSci/LoggerNet/ and a file pattern of CPU:*.cr6 (retrieving the program files as a test) works for me also.

KrisBDX Jul 8, 2016 03:22 PM

I do the same test   (CPU:*.cr6) but  it doesnt work  for me. I have another question which protocole use the function fileretrieval and which port  because lot of port in my server are closed only the port 6785 is open.

thank you for your answer.

ChipsNSalsa Jul 8, 2016 05:16 PM

Using my CPU:*.CR6 test as an example, if LoggerNet is actively trying to retrieve a file or files, you should see entries like this in one or more of the Tran*.log files:

"2016-07-08 10:37:00.006","CR6Series","162","files synch queued"
"2016-07-08 10:37:00.006","CR6Series","133","file receive started",".DIR/CPU:*.CR6"
"2016-07-08 10:37:00.073","CR6Series","134","file receive complete",".DIR/CPU:*.CR6"
"2016-07-08 10:37:00.074","CR6Series","133","file receive started","CPU:BaseV2.CR6"
"2016-07-08 10:37:00.232","CR6Series","134","file receive complete","CPU:BaseV2.CR6"
"2016-07-08 10:37:00.233","CR6Series","163","files synch file copied"","CPU:BaseV2.CR6","/var/opt/CampbellSci/LoggerNet/BaseV2.CR6"
"2016-07-08 10:37:00.234","CR6Series","165","file synch complete","success"

You will see your station name and your program name instead of CR6Series and BaseV2 respectively in the log above.

If LoggerNet detects that there are no new files to be retrieved when a scheduled file retrieval occurs, you should see entries like this in one or more of the Tran*.log files:

"2016-07-08 10:38:00.005","CR6Series","162","files synch queued"
"2016-07-08 10:38:00.005","CR6Series","133","file receive started",".DIR/CPU:*.CR6"
"2016-07-08 10:38:00.061","CR6Series","134","file receive complete",".DIR/CPU:*.CR6"
"2016-07-08 10:38:00.061","CR6Series","165","file synch complete","success"

There should also be different, but corresponding entries, in one or more of your Comms*.log and State*.log  files with corresponding time stamps. Do you see anything like this in your *.log files? If so, include the entries in your next post.

ChipsNSalsa Jul 8, 2016 05:23 PM

In your case the file retrieval process is an outbound TCP/IP communications process from LoggerNet to whatever port you've specified in your Setup screen in the Internet IP Address field of root IPPort associated with the datalogger.

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