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Modem connection CR1000

AFOskar May 26, 2016 01:38 PM

I am trying to connect to a CR1000 using a GSM modem and I cant get it to work.

The devices I am using is a Maestro 100 Evo GSM/GPRS modem connected to the RS-232 port of the CR1000. The modem is connected with a DB-15 male connector cable and DB-9 female connector (other end of cable)  -> gender changer -> null modem adapter -> RS-232 port

I have the modem configured as follows:

Both the modem and the RS-232 port on the logger is configured to use 115200 baud rate. I can send SMS from the modem and its connected to the net and roaming.

I am using another modem on a server running Multilogger software to connect to the CR1000 but I cant get a response. I am using the same setup for two other dataloggers and they are working fine so it shouldnt be the server.

Any ideas on what might be wrong and how I should proceed?

JDavis May 26, 2016 02:50 PM

I would suspect the cabling first. You can use the serial talk through mode (P mode) in the CR1000 terminal to test the cabling. Type an AT command in the talk through terminal and see if you get a response.

If a mode has a 9 pin female port, you typically use a male to male null modem cable for direct connection to the CR1000.

AFOskar May 26, 2016 03:18 PM

I use the same cable (DB15 - DB9) to configure the modem so then it could be the gender changer or null modem adapter I suppose. 

JDavis May 26, 2016 03:23 PM

I suggest trying your DB15 to DB9 cable with a male to male null modem cable.

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