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Options for expanding digital I/O channels

mwassmer Dec 3, 2015 11:53 PM

I am using a CR1000 in my application and I have the following digital I/O requirements:
- SDM-CD16AC (3 channels)
- 1 X Apogee TS-100 PWM fan control output
- 1 X Apogee TS-100 fan tachometer input (4500 rpm @ 2 pulses per revolution = 150 pulses per sec)
- 3 X Omega FTB4607 flowmeter inputs
- 1 X 03101 wind speed anemometer
- 4 X ebm papst 612F/2L-640 fan tachometer inputs (2250 rpm @ 2 pulses per revolution = 75 pulses per sec) for custom fan-aspirated indoor radiation shields

By my count, I need 13 digital I/O channels. The CR1000 has 2 pulse channels and 8 control channels, so I assume I need a peripheral.

Two questions:
- Which is the lowest cost peripheral that would get the job done?
- Which I/Os need to be on the CR1000 and which can go on the peripheral?

smile Dec 4, 2015 07:09 AM


you can use mod. SDM-IO16
It use C1,C2,C3 like all SDM devices (with unique address).

So you'll have 16 channels counter, available.


smile Dec 4, 2015 07:27 AM


or......if you want to save a little money, but I complicate your life, you may read the frequencies using the analog inputs (if available) and read the period or Hz, but be careful, losing the history between the scans, it depends on how frequently runs the table in CR1000.
Perhaps adapting the intensity of the input signals.


ZooKeeper Dec 4, 2015 05:00 PM

An alternative approach, if you haven't already purchased the CR1000 and you don't have analog inputs that you did not list, could be the CR6. The CR6 universal terminals could be configured for digital input and output. This would have room for your application with a few free terminals.

- SDM-CD16AC C1,C2,C3
- 1 X Apogee TS-100 PWM C4
- 1 X Apogee TS-100 fan tach U1
- 3 X Omega FTB4607 flow in U2,U3,U4 configured for pull-up
- 1 X 03101 wind speed anem U6 only even U terminals may do LLAC
- 4 X ebm papst 612F/2L-640 U7,U8,U9,U10 configured for pull-up

U5,U11,U12 unassigned.

No additional peripherals needed.

ChrisKriger Jun 30, 2016 02:50 AM

I know this is an old topic but if you already have various dataloggers sitting around another option is to use one as a slave datalogger, for instance use a CR200X to read in the extra I/O.  You can have the CR1000 read data via Pakbus or via SDI12 (with one as sensor and one as master)

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