How can a data table on the data logger be deleted using the simplepb.dll library?

This can only be done by sending a different program using the FileControl() or File_Send() instruction. Data tables in a data logger cannot be added or deleted at data logger runtime using any of our data logger communication software, such as LoggerNet, PC400, PC200W, or any of the SDKs. Changes (additions, deletions, or modifications) to data tables within a data logger have to be changed inside the actual data logger program using a program editor such as CRBasic. After the data tables are modified within the program, the program must be resent to the data logger. Compiling the new program on the data logger will reset and create new tables as defined by the program.

To clear a data table (zero out the data), the CoraScript control, found in either the LoggerNet-SDK or the LoggerNet Server SDK, would need to be used. This functionality does not exist in the BMP5 Direct SDK.

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